Cuticle Oil Pens

$ 6.00 USD
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Coconut oil is known to have many benefits for the skin. Using it on slightly damp skin can allow it to seal in moisture and really lock in that hydration. Jojoba oil is an extremely saturating moisturizer and it can also protect against dryness. Jojoba oil will add moisture to the skin and help to reduce redness cause by dryness or irritation. It contains vitamin E and B which aid in repairing skin and controlling damage. Olive oil is known to have high levels of antioxidants which can prevent premature aging. Avocado oil has many benefits to the skin, including replenishing dry skin, calming itchy skin, as well as being very hydrating and moisturizing. It can also shield skin from UV radiation and protect skin from damage. Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can protect against irritation. It is also known to promote nerve growth and improve circulation.

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Brush pen for easy application Compact for travel Made with essential oil


Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Rosemary Oil


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