Light Dry Shampoo

$ 6.00 USD
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Arrowroot powder can help to absorb excess oil and give the hair a lustrous appearance. It has also been known to have strong antibacterial and antifungal traits. Baking soda works wonders for the entire body, but is very beneficial for the hair because it can exfoliate the scalp, which leads to healthier hair. It can also get rid of odor and boost shine. Cedarwood oil used on the scalp helps to cleanse, rebalance the natural oils in your hair, and combat fungal or bacterial infections. Tea Tree oil can help lead to longer and thicker hair. It can also help fight against dandruff or dry skin and can improve overall scalp health.

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5 oz jar Improves scalp health Increases longevity of your shampoo


Arrowroot Powder, Baking Soda, Cedarwood Oil, Tea Tree Oil


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