Rose Milk Himalayan Bath Salt

$ 12.00 USD
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
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Himalayan Pink Salt contains over 80 elements and minerals. A warm bath with Himalayan salt added into it provides nutrients to the skin and also acts as a powerful detoxifier. Himalayan salt acts to stabilize your body's pH and boosts circulation. Milk powder is hydrating and can help to smooth the skin. It also acts as a cleanser and can give your skin a youthful glow. Rose essential oil is another source of moisture. This essential oil is an anti-oxidant and will work to promote cell turnover. It is anti-bacterial and can work to combat blemishes, helping skin types that are prone to acne or rosacea.

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4 oz jar Moisturizing bath soak Made with essential oil


Pink Himalayan Salt, Dried Milk Powder, Rose Petals, Rose Oil


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