Sugar Scrub Bars

$ 6.00 USD
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
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Sugar is not only is it a wonderful exfoliator, which helps to remove dead skin cells from your face and your body to restore and refresh tired, clogged pores, but it's also a natural humectant. These substances create a barrier on the surface of dry skin to lock in moisture. It can also help rejuvenate the skin by thoroughly cleansing the skin. With all the dead skin and dirt removed, the new skin is more radiant and you can have a healthier glow.

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4oz exfoliating bars Provides an exfoliating cleanse Scented with essential oils


Glycerin Soap Base (coconut oil, sorbitol, vegetable propylene glycol, stearic acid, water, sodium hydroxide, vegetable glycerin), Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Essential Oils


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